Who we are
"Save Guana Cay Reef" is a group dedicated to
protecting this natural wonder and ensuring that there is a long lasting legacy
for Abaconians.
There is good
development for an area and there is bad development for an area. Passerine at
Abaco is bad development for North Guana. This protected bay and wrap around
beach are bordered by some of the most beautiful and bountiful coral reefs in
Abaco. It is one of the most complete coastal and marine eco-system including a
mangrove estuary, beaches and dunes, and barrier reef. This environmentally
sensitive area
needs an environmentally sensitive development. What Passerine proposes, an
18-hole golf course and a 240-slip marina are the least
environmentally responsible types of development anywhere, and will certainly
devastate this fragile area. Furthermore, the fact that part of this
development would include government land given away for
foreign financial gain is a crime we cannot permit!
Has government
given permission to kill the reef? There is no proven way to contain 100% of
golf course run-off. Any claims to catch and reuse water or substitute organic
chemicals to treat the course are only superficial measures which, at best, will
only delay the death of the surrounding reef. The fact is, that increased
nutrient levels from fertilizers stimulate algal growth which smothers coral
Government is
giving away the Bahamian's birthright! The marina is
slated to be built on government land affectionately known as Joe’s Creek. This
includes a mangrove nursery ground which replenishes the local fishery stocks.
This is Bahamian land. Land that has been set aside to be developed by
Bahamians to increase Bahamian wealth. It is a crime against the people for
our government to give away our land for foreign profit.
An Open Letter:
May Day! May Day!
Government is giving away our birth right!
In their
election campaign the PLP promised they would give crown land to the Bahamian
people. They promised they would encourage local development of this land.
They promised the Bahamian people would see increased wealth and prosperity.
Yet in just two short years, they have given away maybe thousands of acres of
Bahamian land to foreign developers. Developers who would see millions of
dollars in profits from the sale of this land pocketed outside of the Bahamas.
These profits belong to the Bahamian people. This land is our birth right!
When large scale developers promise increased local employment and “spin-off”
jobs, this is a small bone to throw, not only are these jobs temporary, but the
real money is being made by the owners of the land, Bahamian land. It is one
thing for foreign investors to purchase private land and develop it for their
own personal profit, but it is an abomination when they take the Bahamians’ land
for foreign personal gain. It is even more of an abomination when they try to
cover-up this fact with empty promises of employment opportunities. How can we
trade ownership of land and local-owned businesses for “employment
opportunities” or blue collar jobs. It’s the difference between owning your own
restaurant and waiting tables! And don’t be deceived by the promise of
multi-million dollar investments….. 80-100% of this money is spent outside
of the Bahamas; in purchasing materials, design contractors, equipment, etc and
at what expense to us…? The long term costs in land degradation, fishery
depletion and reef poisoning, air pollution and habitat loss can only be
guessed, and will most certainly be owed long after foreign developers have made
their profits and abandoned the Bahamas.
This crime is happening all over the Bahamas. And right now the government is
about to commit it again in Abaco at the north end of Great Guana Cay.
Passerine at Abaco is to be a 585-acre exclusive golf course resort with a 240-slip marina dredged out of the island’s only remaining fish estuary on
government land. The developer will sub-divide the land and sell waterfront lots
at top dollar.
The future prosperity of the Bahamian people is in the richness of our land and
surrounding seas. Whether developed for agriculture, fishery, or tourism, it is
the land which holds our nation’s riches. When you give away our land to
foreign developers, you give away our people’s wealth.
Bahamians, we must stop this now! It is a May Day call for we are running out
of time, and land! We are a small nation and cannot afford to give away our
land to foreign developers.
Let you voice be heard now:
your local radio station
your local MP
Write to
our Prime Minister